Former Broomfield High School Football Coach’s Behavior Questioned

A police report has revealed that Broomfield Police spoke with a former football coach at Broomfield High School about his behavior towards students. They told him that his actions were concerning and seemed like “grooming,” but they didn’t find enough evidence to charge him with a crime.

The coach in question, Blair Hubbard, who had previously led his team to a state championship victory, decided to resign from his position after an internal investigation by the Boulder Valley School District found allegations of inappropriate communication with female students. This happened earlier this month.

According to a police investigation obtained by 9NEWS, Blair Hubbard, the former football coach at Broomfield High School, had a text message exchange with a newly-graduated female student that is now being questioned.

Hubbard asked about the validity of her fake ID and inquired about her preferred drink. When the student responded “A dirty martini, like filthy,” Hubbard replied with a laughing emoji and asked her to define “filthy.”

Hubbard’s spokesperson, Pastor Rick Long, stated that the accusations of grooming against Hubbard are baseless and that the text exchange was simply an “adult conversation” between two consenting adults. Long added that Hubbard’s character is beyond reproach and the allegations against him are more serious than his actual actions.

What’s Police Report Say

The police report, which has been redacted, also contains allegations from another student who claimed that Hubbard asked her for photos of herself. While she believed that he was interested in a romantic relationship, she said that he never said anything sexually explicit to her.

During the police investigation into Blair Hubbard, a former football coach at Broomfield High School, one student reported that Hubbard would contact female students who had graduated and were now of legal age. The student also expressed concern that, given his position of power, girls might feel obligated to comply with his requests.

Another student told police that Hubbard would comment on her appearance, telling her that certain jeans looked good on her, that her hair was nice, and that she was pretty. She also claimed that Hubbard expressed interest in visiting her while she was working at Twin Peaks.

Broomfield High School Athletic Director Steve Shelton reported that he had warned Hubbard after receiving a complaint in the past few years. He had told him that he should not be having any private text communications with a student, for any reason. This information was also included in the police report.

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